One Living Life: 2013

Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Irish House

It was just a leisurely evening with a group of College Friends at Vimannagar, Pune. The meeting point was Phoenix Mall. Nothing is ever decided when these College pals are around. Fooling around and doing crazy things were common. So, this time 5 of us were passing by The Irish House on 2nd floor of the Phoenix mall.
Shameless enough to say, most of the good friends I find around love to booze and keep on boozing. The Irish House was not one of the common places we would hang around. It was not one of the value for money options. BUT, this time the board said "Buy something and get the same free". That was awesome and the evening was going to be a great night.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Enjoying Pune Street foods

The Appa Vadawale and the Set Dosa stall in Chandannagore, Vimannagar near Tata Tea gardens.
What I got was the best Vada Pav I had in Maharashtra and the best Set Dosas expected from a streetside stall.
They are hygenic and keep their stuffs clean and clear which made eating more enjoyable.
Price: 25 for Set Dosa and 7 for a Vada Pav;
Taste: Super fine; Worth mentioning is the texture of the set dosas.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Pune - Love, Romance and the City

"Hahaha.... dekh saale wo bande kaise ek pair bahar latkake i-card gaale mein.. tumtum pe jaa rahen hain!!!", a group of guys returning from the Mysore-heavens laughed out. To them, life projected the lush greenery of Mysore and a life of comfort. They were siblings to the harsh IT world. They had forgotten the traffic, dust and sweat for the past 6 months of their life and assumed the next 6 months to be a continuation for the rest.

The fortune is that the group of guys in the story came to a place called PUNE!!! What do you want in it... LOVE!!! ROMANCE!!! VADA PAV!!! MASTI !!! or just a SERENE LIFE....

Getting settled down, and making friends does take some time. As they started their life in Pune, 'paus'(rain) continued to cool them down from 'away-from-home' feelings and 'new-place' tensions. It was great... enjoying the weather and feeling the sunshine.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The want for something new...

Few days ago... I recovered from an accident.. an accident that still stirs fear wihin me... living life with fear was something that continued until life seemed pitch black.. dark black...

the fear was of course instiled from wihin but a greater part of the fear instiled from the fear exgravatted by my parents..., i love them a lot... my mom who can't breath without my knowledge and my father who seems to be a angry n serious fellow... but is a man of kind n benevolent heart... n is a big hearted person actually...

now.. just that i eagerly want to be back to LIFE... i am unable to... becoz i miss somethig and i am in want of somethig new...

well life is good as always,. just that.. i want that friend to be good.. better... n running like me... if possible with me....

Monday, 4 February 2013

Accidents - e3e3dyqkyd9

Just try to be prepared for one always. You never know when it comes and wipes you and your belongings, in a blink of an eye.